Protecting your Brand Name with DMARC full implementation guide , best practices and common mistakes

Today i am releasing a DMARC implementation guide that covers full implementation flow , best practices and common mistakes of a DMARC implementation. The Implementation guide also shows a new attacks abusing EAI (Link to post) to bypass DMARC and how to combat this. This guide will take email security for your domain to a higher level where it becomes…

SMTP Security Suite: New SPF Analyzer Tool

Do you recognize that a lot of times when you search for tools on the internet they are either paid, don`t tell you the entire story, or are hosted by companies trying to market their product and sell you a service.  Due to all these issues I started to build new tools to serve the community. I present the first…

How and why should I protect my Office 365 organization from Email Address Internationalization (EAI) attacks?

On 27 December 2017 Microsoft announced that the support for EAI in email has been implemented. This means that the Microsoft cloud now supports EAI email addresses in outlook, email flow, connectors and rules. For now there won’t be any support for adding IDN domains to the platform itself. With this new functionality in Office 365 a new door opens…

Antispam counter measures explained Part 2: Advanced SPF records,  Best practice and biggest mistakes

Antispam counter measures explained Part 1: How the Sender Policy Framework really works Antispam counter measures explained Part 2: Advanced SPF records,  Best practice and biggest mistakes Antispam counter measures explained Part 3: How DKIM really works and best practice   In Part 1 I explained the basics of SPF and how you can implement the most common scenario`s. After the…