Antispam counter measures explained Part 1: How the Sender Policy Framework really works

Antispam counter measures explained Part 1: How the Sender Policy Framework really works Antispam counter measures explained Part 2: Advanced SPF records, Best practice and biggest mistakes Antispam counter measures explained Part 3: How DKIM really works and best practice   In this first part of “Antispam counter measures explained ” I will start with a detailed explanation of how…

PS Script: Connect to one or multiple Exchange server PowerShell sessions from any computer.

In my previous posts I showed some functions for finding an AD DC and run LDAP query’s against those DC`s. The following function “Connect-Exchangeservice” builds on top of the Get-LDAPobject function. This new function will connect you to the PowerShell management session of an exchange server. This way you do not have to install the exchange management tools to manage exchange via PowerShell. The big…

Today marks the start of the one-year countdown before Exchange Server 2007 reaches the end of extended support. If Exchange Server 2007 is still part of your messaging infrastructure, it’s not too early to start planning an update. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 9+ years since we released CCR, LCR and SCR. These technologies of course laid the…