Many customers I visit ask me: Do you know a good tool to generate DMARC reports?
And the answer is always the same: Sorry I don’t know a end to end report generation tool that will meet your needs. There are some paid services where you can outsource this but they are pretty expensive and you lose control of the reports.
So I started to develop a own PowerShell DMARC reporting tool that will handle it from end to end. The tool will do the following:
- Connect to the reporting mailbox
- Downloads the report attachments
- Move the processed item to different folder
- Unzip the downloaded attachment
- Load all the xml data and rearrange the data into a usable csv database
- Create disk structure for per month reporting
- Create a master html report containing data of last 6 months
- Create sub html report per running month
- HTML can be saved directly in a IIS published folder to have end to end automated reporting process
At the moment the tool is already running in my own environment generating reports for my domains. To extend testing in other environments I need domain owners that want to participate in testing this new tool and improving it based on your needs.
A report generated by this alpha code can be viewed here: Link to report demo
If you are interested in testing this in your environment and providing feedback please use the form below and I will contact you to share the code and setup first run.
Alpha test is CLOSED
Yes I would be interested
We need to get DMARC report using our RUA Mailbox.
I’ve tried to use your powershell script and it tell me this first, can you help me ?
Exchange 2010 (will be upgrade to 2016 at the end of year)
Best regards
La propriété « HelpUri » est introuvable pour le type « System.Management.Automation.CmdletBindingAttribute ».
Au niveau de E:\temp\create-DMARCreportv2.3\v2.3\Create-DMARCreport.ps1 : 263 Caractère : 15
+ [CmdletBinding <<<< (DefaultParameterSetName='Defaultscriptrun',
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyAssignmentException
what version of powershell is this. it looks like it does not understand the DefaultParameterSetName wich seems like you run PS 2.0
Note the script needs atleast 3.0